High Impact corporate learning & development material with all you need to deliver development successfully!
- Fully Customizable Corporate Learning & Development Materials
Spend less time creating content and more time delivering proven, professional development sessions
- Everything you need to deliver amazing engaging and innovative development content!
Instructor Guide
Instructor Guides are the core of each development course. Our Instructor Guides lay out the development in simple, easy-to-follow instructions.
Participant Reference Workbook
Supports participants reference the concepts, skills, and tools they have learned to their own work performance.
PowerPoint Slide Presentation
Visual presentation to guide and engage your workshop participation.

Let us create customized content for all your in-house Learning & Development modules examples of completed client modules:
- Onboarding/Induction
- Diversity Awareness
- Cultural Awareness
- Code of conduct
We can support your learning & development team to create online interactive eLearning modules for you intranet or your in-house learning management systems.
Professional Content by Category
We offer high-quality professionally produced content that is customized to your industry and relevant for all of your learners
Course material packages can be created for full Course Packages (1-2 Day)
or Mini Course Packages Half Day
Downloadable when purchased or licenced
Engaging, innovative content
Highly interactive activities, games, and exercises
Latest high impact models and concepts
Organized and structured design documents
Step by step comprehensive Facilitators Guide
Engaging High impact visuals PowerPoint slide deck
Comprehensive reference workbooks for printing or EBooks for participants
Specific job aids and useful tips and tactics to use back on the job (Selected courseware)
Assessment tools (Selected courseware)
Support your people develop relevant skills with professional competencies that we
have developed for the future workforce in mind.

Our Fully Customizable Corporate development Materials framework centres on supporting participants via three core concepts:
1. Awareness – Each session begins with the introduction of a concept specifically related to the session’s objectives. The concepts are examined through discussions, optional video, and examples.
2. Practice – The participants engage in a variety of exercises or role-plays that allow them to practice the skills and behaviors associated with high performance. After each exercise or role-play, they receive feedback on their strengths and identify areas for improvement.
3. Application and Planning – Participants apply the concepts, skills, and tools they have learned to their own work performance.
Talent Management Curriculum Assessment & Mapping
“Add Real Value to your Business by utilizing the latest Excel Global development Sessions and Workshops in-house.”
Receive our free train the trainer workshop with each licence!
Customized Competence Based Course Material Packages You Can Use to Deliver Great learning & development Courses!
If you are a professional learning & development advisor looking for quality learning & development content or a people manager or team leader looking to develop your team, our course material packages are fully scripted, easy to use, with the latest best practices learning & development models and concepts.
Our Professional ‘s Guides makes delivery easy. We provide clear directions and suggestions on what to do and what to say with each presentational slide.
We provide a high impact PowerPoint slide deck and a comprehensive Reference Workbook for participants.
Professional’s who have used our courseware and learning & development material were able to provide accelerated learning solutions that have engaged all types of learners.
Have Questions or would like more details contact us today!